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Автор:Kirill (Gundyaev), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Kirill (Gundyaev), patr. Freedom and responsibility

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Moscow 2016


Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia




A Search for Harmony — Human Rights and Personal Dignity

Selected addresses by

Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia


Moscow 2016




Foreword by the publishers 9


A common approach to Church unity and the renewal of mankind (Paper given at the 1st International Theological Seminar “Toward a Theology of the World”. Budapest. December 14-18. 1987) 12


The contemporary environment: Liberalism,traditionalism and the moral values of a uniting Europe (Article in “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”. May 26, 1999) 27


Religious faith as the source of social norms. Correlatingtraditional and liberal values in individual and societal choices (Address to the Theological Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church “Orthodox Theology at theTurn of the Third Millennium”, Moscow, February 7-9, 2000) 36


Human diversity and global integration (Address to the opening session of the European Councilof Religious Leaders, Oslo, November 11-12, 2002) 55


Liberal ideology: a threat to peace and freedom(Published in “Tserkovny Vestnik”, No. 1-2 (278-279),January 2004) 61


God’s plan for man and free will (Address to the International Theological Conference “Eschatological Teachingof the Church”, Moscow, November 14, 2005) 68

No freedom without moral responsibility (From a meeting with journalists from the “Literaturnaya Gazeta”, published in no. 45-46, November 2-8 2005) 80


Human rights and moral responsibility (Address to the 10th World Russian People’s Council ‘Faith, Man, Land: Russia’s mission in the twenty-first century’, Moscow, April 4, 2006) 87

The Russian Orthodox Church and the Christian dimensionof the problem of human rights and freedoms (Article published in the newspaper ‘Izvestia’, April 4, 2006) 100

‘Giving a Soul to Europe’ (Opening address to an internationalconference ‘Giving a Soul to Europe — Mission and Responsibilityof the Churches’, Vienna, May 3-5, 2006)  104

Human rights and their moral foundationsin European religious communities (Presentation at the seminar ‘The Evolution of Moral Values and Human Rights in Multicultural Society’, Strasbourg, October 30, 2006) 110

The value of the human being as the bearerof the Image of God and his dignity (Address to the seminar ‘Faithfulness to Traditional Christian Values and Freedom of Conscience’, Moscow, December 20, 2006) 119


Human rights and religious principles (Address to the regional meeting of the representatives of Christian churchesand communities of the CIS countries and the Baltic States preparatoryto the 3rd European Ecumenical Assembly ‘Modern Europe: God, Man and Society.Human Rights and Moral Determination’,Moscow, February 27, 2007) 123

Inter-Civilizational Dialogue (Address to the seminar ‘Dialogue between Cultures and Civilizations:a Bridge between Human Rights and Moral Values’, Paris, March 13-14, 2007) 127

Inter-relationship of human rights and religious and cultural traditions (Address to the conference Human Rights and National Identity’, Moscow, April 18, 2007) 135

Human rights and intercultural dialogue (Speaking at a panel discussion ‘Human Rights and Intercultural Dialogue’at the 7th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, March 18, 2008) 140

The Russian Orthodox Church’s basic teaching on human dignity,freedom and rights (Report to the Council of Bishops of the Russian OrthodoxChurch, Moscow, June 26, 2008) 146


Dangers of modern theology (From an address at the Kiev Pecherski Lavra to the bishops, clergy, monastics,laity, teachers and students of the Kiev Theological Academy, Kiev, July 29, 2009) 172

Freedom and moral sense - destruction of their inter-relationship (From the speech at the Jubilee Event marking the 200th anniversaryof St. Petersburg Theological Academy, St. Petersburg, October 9, 2009) 178


The Russian Church and European culture (Article in the magazine ‘Expert’, 2010. No. 4/690) 181

Protecting dignity freedom and human rights. (Message at a meeting with the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assemblyof the Council of Europe, Moscow, October 13, 2010) 191


Problems of today’s world (From the speech at the meeting with the members of the Global LeadershipGroup of the Davos World Economic Forum in Davos, Moscow, March 12, 2011) 194

Living according to conscience and truth(From the address at the Easter reception at the Ministry of Foreign Affairsof Russia, Moscow, April 28, 2011) 201

Human rights and traditional values in Europe (Address at the meeting of the European Council of Religious Leaders “Human Rights and Traditional Values in Europe”, Moscow, June 21, 2011) 204

The crisis of contemporary secular morality(From an address to teaching staff and studentsof Balamand University (Lebanon), November 16, 2011) 211


Spirituality, morality, law(From the speech at the round-table conference ‘Spirituality, Morality, Law’ at MoscowUniversity of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, March 28, 2012) 215

Maintaining spiritual and moral purpose (From the speech at the 4th Congress of Leadersof World and Traditional Religions, Astana, May 30, 2012) 218

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